24th February 2019 | Huskisson, NSW, Australia

Husky - Ultimate and Classic (2019)

Kent MCINNEY (#223)
GUN TIME:  04:55:05
71  OF 486
68  OF 391
14  OF 63

Swim 00:41:48 1.90km

Location Split Race Time Pos Male 35-39
Swim 1.9km 00:41:48 00:41:48 171 152 31

T1 00:02:42 0.10km

Location Split Race Time Pos Male 35-39
T1 00:02:42 00:44:30 70 64 13

Cycle 02:28:53 90.0km

Location Split Race Time Pos Male 35-39
Bike 30km 00:49:29 01:34:00 29 28 4
Bike 60km 00:50:37 02:24:38 51 48 10
Bike 90km 02:28:53 03:13:24 55 52 11

T2 00:01:30 0.10km

Location Split Race Time Pos Male 35-39
T2 00:01:30 03:14:54 103 90 13

Run 01:40:11 21.1km

Location Split Race Time Pos Male 35-39
Run 10km 00:46:00 04:00:54 76 71 15
Run 21.1km 01:40:11 04:55:05 88 80 17

Kent MCINNEY's Past Husky - Ultimate and Classic Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Husky - Long Course (2014) | Individuals #163 660 116 560 05:13:41
Husky - Long Course (2017) | Individuals #770 191 31 176 04:50:57
Husky - Ultimate and Classic (2019) | Ultimate Solo #223 71 14 68 04:55:05