5th August 2012 | Sydney, NSW, Australia

The Bay Run (2012)

pulse performance
TEAM TIME:  01:55:38
29  OF 48

pulse performance's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Net Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos) Net Pos Net Category Pos Net Gen Pos
1 Dani ANDRES (#19) 00:24:36 00:24:36 30 P&O (1) Male  (30) 31 1 30
2 Yousef AZAR (#27) 00:25:57 00:25:55 50 15-29 (25) Male  (46) 51 25 46
3 Andrew WILLS (#461) 00:28:46 00:28:43 156 40-49 (22) Male  (134) 163 23 140
4 Emma MCMAHON (#2313) 00:37:19 00:36:23 763 P&O (10) Female  (229) 714 12 199
5 Bronwyn SCOTT (#2655) 00:43:41 00:43:02 1213 40-49 (113) Female  (516) 1206 110 507
6 Kim KIDD (#2253) 00:46:57 00:46:54 1355 40-49 (135) Female  (627) 1381 137 643