17th October 2021 - 24th October 2021 | South Africa
91-Songo-Specialized (#54)
TEAM TIME:  00:54:08.6
34  OF 291
1  OF 12

Mtn Bike 00:54:08.4 21.0km

Location Split Race Time Pos Div Speed/Pace TOD
P-Start 00:00:00.0 00:00:00.0 - - - / - 09:17:32
CP2 00:15:18.5 00:15:18.5 39 1 11.75 / 05:06 09:32:51
CP4 00:20:00.4 00:35:18.9 34 1 7.49 / 08:00 09:52:51
CP5 00:10:42.0 00:46:01.0 21 1 28.03 / 02:08 10:03:34
Prologue 00:08:07.3 00:54:08.4 22 1 36.93 / 01:37 10:11:41

91-Songo-Specialized's Members

Name Representing
Laura STIGGER (#54-2) AUT |
Sina FREI (#54-1) SUI |