Wilier 7C Force 3 (#79)
TEAM TIME:  01:16:42.0
102  OF 520
23  OF 168

Run 01:16:42.0 24.0km

Location Split Race Time Pos Div Speed/Pace TOD
P-Start 00:00:00.0 00:00:00.0 1 1 - / - 12:31:01
6.5km 00:20:55.2 00:20:55.2 104 24 18.64 / 03:13 12:51:56
10km 00:15:10.9 00:36:05.3 99 23 13.83 / 04:20 13:07:06
16km 00:20:01.9 00:56:07.2 107 25 17.97 / 03:20 13:27:08
22km 00:15:54.3 01:12:01.6 103 24 22.63 / 02:39 13:43:02
Prologue 00:04:40.3 01:16:42.0 102 23 25.67 / 02:20 13:47:43

Wilier 7C Force 3's Members

Name Representing
Massimo DEBERTOLIS (#79-1) ITA |
Gilberto SIMONI (#79-2) ITA |