16th October 2020 - 18th October 2020 | Sydney, NSW, Australia

City2Surf (2020)

The Torpedoes
TEAM TIME:  05:00:07
15  OF 82

The Torpedoes's Members

Pos Name Finish Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos)
1 Simon Torpy (#7597) 01:04:06 278 20-29 (51) Male  (243)
2 Kat Gillessen (#7622) 01:40:17 4597 20-29 (291) Female  (1884)
3 Jonathan Torpy (#7599) 02:15:42 7130 60-69 (305) Male  (3674)
4 Patricia Torpy (#7598) 02:18:25 7247 60-69 (198) Female  (3521)