15th October 2023 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2023)

Love The Run
TEAM TIME:  15:39:01
8  OF 43
Social - Mixed
6  OF 34

Love The Run's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos)
1 Timothy Bryant (#2544) 02:25:20 13 40-44 (1) Male  (13)
2 Joe Wesley (#5842) 02:46:09 132 30-34 (33) Male  (128)
3 Trent Gauci (#6043) 02:56:26 353 40-44 (39) Male  (337)
4 Aidan Rich (#6850) 03:17:58 1107 40-44 (131) Male  (1026)
5 Daniel Etezadi (#2732) 04:13:05 4771 50-54 (224) Male  (3957)