12th October 2024 - 13th October 2024 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Nike Melbourne Marathon Festival (2024)

Turtlized Ricers
TEAM TIME:  18:28:05
26  OF 47
Social - Mixed
22  OF 43

Turtlized Ricers's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos)
1 Ce LI (#2657) 03:09:01 811 35-39 (152) Male  (754)
2 Danyi HANG (#2635) 03:39:34 2510 30-34 (70) Female  (300)
3 Shimin LI (#4751) 03:41:42 2677 40-44 (52) Female  (334)
4 Enhui BAO (#2654) 03:58:43 4085 40-44 (413) Male  (3402)
5 Wei MA (#2632) 03:59:08 4142 45-49 (53) Female  (686)