13th October 2019 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2019)

TEAM TIME:  03:03:54
53  OF 93
Social - Mixed
45  OF 75

SAP's Members

Pos Name Net Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos) Net Pos Net Category Pos Net Gen Pos Run
1 Guqiao (Jonathan) Chen (#63532) 00:27:42 502 40-44 (27) Male  (368) 631 35 463
2 Raphael Sto Domingo (#64402) 00:30:00 1480 30-34 (94) Male  (828) 1014 72 663
3 Sarah Mingon (#64569) 00:31:37 1778 30-34 (116) Female  (836) 1321 80 532
4 Rebecca Bottomley (#60069) 00:37:50 2003 45-49 (77) Female  (976) 2566 96 1353
5 Melanie de Wit (#64570) 00:40:39 3061 35-39 (185) Female  (1696) 2941 171 1629
6 Allan Bregu (#62889) 00:44:29 3236 60-64 (19) Male  (1410) 3315 19 1444