13th October 2019 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2019)

Team Zebra
TEAM TIME:  02:47:28
35  OF 93
Social - Mixed
27  OF 75

Team Zebra's Members

Pos Name Net Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos) Net Pos Net Category Pos Net Gen Pos Run
1 Adam Dale (#61993) 00:26:20 755 40-44 (36) Male  (502) 446 21 346
2 Daniel Park (#61984) 00:26:44 820 50-54 (32) Male  (541) 494 17 376
3 Magda Christodoulou (#64215) 00:29:50 1333 40-44 (66) Female  (557) 975 30 328
4 Tom Christodoulou (#61989) 00:29:50 1334 40-44 (63) Male  (777) 974 48 647
5 David O'Donnell (#61992) 00:32:50 1869 55-59 (29) Male  (977) 1550 26 872
Casey White (#61995) DNS 30-34 Female