13th January 2018 | Lorne, VIC, Australia

Pier to Pub (2018)

Maree Buchanan (#1571)
GUN TIME:  00:29:38
4278  OF 4608
1446  OF 1625
312  OF 375

Swim 00:29:38 1.20km

Location Split Race Time Pos Female Senior TOD
Finish 00:29:38 00:29:38 4278 1446 312 13:24:38

Maree Buchanan's Past Pier to Pub Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Pier to Pub (2017) | 1.2k #1766 4210 307 1357 00:25:51
Pier to Pub (2018) | 1.2k #1571 4278 312 1446 00:29:38
Pier to Pub (2019) | 1.2k #526 4182 297 1393 00:26:44
Pier to Pub (2020) | 1.2k #1068 4292 283 1413 00:26:44