12th July 2015 | Sydney, NSW, Australia

Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2015)

Claire TOMPSETT (#3976)
GUN TIME:  01:01:45
2447  OF 3827
1114  OF 2125
20-29 years
324  OF 584
NET TIME:   00:58:20
2478  OF 3827
1124  OF 2125
20-29 years
335  OF 584

Run 01:01:44 10.0km

Location Split Race Time Pos Female 20-29 years Speed/Pace
10k 01:01:44 01:01:44 2447 1114 324 9.71 / 06:10

Claire TOMPSETT's Past Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2015) | Real Insurance 10km #3976 2447 324 1114 01:01:45
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2016) | Real Insurance 10km #3846 1411 133 453 00:55:55
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour (2019) | Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 5k #18912 191 16 60 00:26:23
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour (2017) | Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k #2300 1663 148 532 00:55:14