13th October 2019 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2019)

Marc Alexander (#8812)
TEAM: Marapies
GUN TIME:  04:14:19
3788  OF 7020
3104  OF 5150
546  OF 866
NET TIME:   04:11:58
3797  OF 7020
3107  OF 5150
552  OF 866

Run 04:11:58 42.2km

Location Split Race Time Pos Male 30-34 Speed/Pace TOD
5k 00:29:03 00:31:24 4473 3626 644 10.32 / 05:48 07:31:25
10k 00:28:31 00:59:56 4441 3626 642 10.41 / 05:45 07:59:56
15k 00:28:08 01:28:05 4332 3564 630 10.49 / 05:42 08:28:05
20k 00:27:58 01:56:04 4283 3534 619 10.55 / 05:41 08:56:04
21k 00:05:42 02:01:46 4205 3491 612 10.6 / 05:39 09:01:47
25k 00:22:36 02:24:23 4110 3423 606 10.56 / 05:40 09:24:23
30k 00:29:33 02:53:57 3960 3303 588 10.48 / 05:43 09:53:57
35k 00:32:10 03:26:07 3863 3206 569 10.3 / 05:49 10:26:07
40k 00:33:54 04:00:02 3792 3111 548 10.09 / 05:56 11:00:02
42.2k 00:14:17 04:14:19 3788 3104 546 10.04 / 05:58 11:14:20

Custom Results

Result Time Pos Div Gen
1st Half 01:59:25 4213 624 3512
2nd Half 02:12:33 3611 511 2911

Marc Alexander's Past Melbourne Marathon Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Melbourne Marathon (2017) | HALF MARATHON #27688 6924 667 4045 02:22:18
Melbourne Marathon (2019) | MELBOURNE MARATHON #8812 3788 546 3104 04:14:19