14th January 2023 | Lorne, VIC, Australia

Pier to Pub (2023)

Morgana WALKER (#3841)
GUN TIME:  00:28:02
3535  OF 3796
1233  OF 1352
205  OF 218

Morgana WALKER's Past Pier to Pub Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Pier to Pub (2019) | 1.2k #4837 4352 230 1478 00:27:58
Pier to Pub (2020) | 1.2k #5139 4482 243 1520 00:27:57
Powercor Lorne Pier to Pub Virtual (2020) | P2P #1039 2192 164 864 00:31:05
Pier to Pub (2023) | 1.2k #3841 3535 205 1233 00:28:02
Pier to Pub (2024) | P2PVR #10173 156 17 77 00:32:49