11th January 2025 | Lorne, VIC, Australia

Pier to Pub (2025)

Jackson WHITTAKER (#5178)
TIME:  00:18:40
1026  OF 4922
748  OF 3044
51  OF 455

Jackson WHITTAKER's Past Pier to Pub Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Pier to Pub (2015) | 1.2k #1276 1287 182 993 00:18:57
Pier to Pub (2016) | 1.2k #1516 780 176 605 00:16:25
Pier to Pub (2017) | 1.2k #1638 1987 211 1520 00:18:48
Pier to Pub (2018) | 1.2k #1432 247 110 190 00:15:33
Pier to Pub (2019) | 1.2k #4995 429 86 331 00:16:31
Pier to Pub (2020) | 1.2k #5295 659 158 495 00:17:05
Powercor Lorne Pier to Pub Virtual (2020) | P2P #3343 2330 135 1394 00:33:48
Pier 2 Pub (2022) | P2P VR #4509 1717 166 1104 00:26:03
Pier to Pub (2023) | 1.2k #3965 213 32 169 00:14:41
Pier to Pub (2024) | 1.2k #4879 269 47 211 00:16:03
Pier to Pub (2025) | 1.2k #5178 1026 51 748 00:18:40