5th December 2021 | Sydney, NSW, Australia

Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2021)

Radhika Withana (#8168)
GUN TIME:  01:07:29
1618  OF 2492
513  OF 1056
150  OF 307
NET TIME:   01:00:24
1747  OF 2492
573  OF 1056
176  OF 307

Run 01:00:24 10.0km

Location Split Race Time Pos Female 40-49 Speed/Pace TOD
5k 00:29:35 00:29:35 1515 469 134 10.13 / 05:55 08:36:42
10k 00:30:49 01:00:24 1618 513 150 9.93 / 06:02 09:07:31

Radhika Withana's Past Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2015) | Real Insurance 10km #3957 1566 217 534 00:55:35
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2016) | Real Insurance 10km #3224 923 93 218 00:50:33
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2021) | Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k #8168 1618 150 513 01:07:29
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour (2019) | Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k #2866 1519 93 391 00:54:40